replacing kcontrol with system settings

jos poortvliet jos at
Sun Jun 17 00:57:40 BST 2007

Op Sunday 17 June 2007, schreef Michael Pyne:
> On Friday 15 June 2007, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> > The matching search term stuff, I never understood that. I think it's
> > useless, doesn't add anything, and I don't understand why Kcontrol added
> > it in the first place.
> It was probably added for the same reason quite a few other KDE
> applications added some form of on-the-fly searching, it makes the process
> of finding what you want much quicker.  It depends on modules having
> appropriate metadata of course but given that it's really a great way to go
> to look for modules that may configure what you're trying to change.

I have no problem with the search itself, I think it's great. But why does it 
present first a list of matches, you have to pick one, and THEN you can 
choose a module? It should just show the matches, imho.

> > And I also think when searching, the distinction between advanced and
> > normal should be removed. If you have 1 result in the normal tab, and 1
> > in advanced, it'd be totally silly to still have those two tabs. Just
> > merge them when searching.
> Agreed.
> Regards,
>  - Michael Pyne


Alles wat ik doe denk en zeg is gebaseerd op het wereldbeeld wat ik nu heb. 
Ik ben niet verantwoordelijk voor wijzigingen van de wereld, of het beeld wat 
ik daarvan heb, noch voor de daaruit voortvloeiende gedragingen van mezelf. 
Alles wat ik zeg is aardig bedoeld, tenzij expliciet vermeld.

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