Setting a kdelibs Freeze Date

Olaf Schmidt ojschmidt at
Fri Jun 15 17:45:52 BST 2007


I am not sure whether we will be able to conclude the usability review by 
then, since some of the central KDE parts (e.g. Plasma) have been added to 
kdelibs only recently.

Another topic for us are the colour system changes, which we consider 
must-haves. They consist of three areas:
a) Extending the colour schemes, and having a usable configuration for them in 
b) Having the necessary helper functions (e.g. evaluating colour contrast, 
generating a fitting a background colour for a given numbered colour, etc)
c) Adding a "Strict Mode: Only use these colour by default" setting to the 
colour schemes

Matthew is targetting this Monday, so it should be no problem, but I would 
like to review the user interface and check that everything is complete.

Is someone able to provide us (after Matthew added the new colour scheme 
stuff) with recent Kubuntu packages or a Live-CD or similar?
(I think Ellen has already asked Stephan Binner.)


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