Can kdecore depend on QtXml?

Chusslove Illich caslav.ilic at
Thu Jun 14 16:41:44 BST 2007

> [: Jaroslaw Staniek :]
> Aren't things like <para> and <list> translated in GUI to Qt tags <p>,
> <ol>, <ul>, 1-to-1, and this can be performed using search/replace?

But what would be the point of not using proper XML parsing now that it is
clear that kdecore anyway indirectly links to QtXml? Using regex
replacements should even be slower than a single pass through string by

It may also be needed that formatting of some tags depends on the enclosing
tags, in which case anything but a proper parse would turn into a mess.

> Or even how about using tags [...]

Let's hold on a bit with the parts not concerned with implementation, as I'm
preparing a Techbase article in the form of a section in
Developement/Tutorials/Localization. I'll report here when I put it up,
explain some decisions, and then we can discuss all day long :)

> BTW, If we're talking about static validity checks, IMHO it wouldn't be
> sane and easy to employ Krazy for such checks? (it can use full-featured
> XML parser if needed)

Yep, I have a Krazy check in mind, and already wrote the DTD (though after
about half an hour of reading about DTD's, but it seems to work...)

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
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