[RFC] Usability and styles
Matthew Woehlke
mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jun 11 22:54:13 BST 2007
Currently, we have a couple of little issues with styles, namely the
"shade" colors (light, midlight, dark, shadow) are not set in an
intelligent way, leading to them becoming, shall we say, less than
desirable in very-dark color schemes. There is also the lesser problem
that the same "shade" colors are used for different sets (e.g. buttons,
windows) that *might* be wildly different colors.
To remedy this, I would like to create/modify a class that I hope
(pending the outcome of some other discussions) will be named KPalette.
Please see the API suggestion attached.
The interesting API's are shade(), setShades() and the second ctor. The
others are from the color roles stuff from last week (as per Simon's
suggestion to put them in not-KGS).
Ngx iqct zgg dxei zodt gf ngxk iqfrl.
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