Renaming Nepomuk-KDE to "Braid"

Frank Osterfeld frank at
Tue Jun 5 15:42:38 BST 2007

On Monday 04 June 2007 21:32:08 Sebastian Trüg wrote:

> And I also changes my plans a little based on Aaron's suggestion to avoid
> multiple libs: I will put everything into Braid: Konto, KNepomuk, and
> KMetaData, just handle them with different namespaces (yes, Aaron, I
> love 'em, the highly nested namespaces, they are so much fun! ;)

Could at least the main classes that will be used most in applications go to 
Braid:: itself? Braid::Foo is so much nicer than 
Braid::KMetaData::Backend::Bar::Foo. Not to mention the readibility of the 
resulting code... 
Deep hierarchies are usually only logical and easy to remember for the one who 
created them :)


Frank Osterfeld -- frank at
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, Platform-independent software solutions
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