[RFC] Color usability time...
Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at kde.org
Mon Jun 4 21:35:50 BST 2007
On Monday 04 June 2007, Robert Knight wrote:
> Hello Matthew,
> Just a word about prioritisation. Your post discusses quite a variety
> of topics. I think the addition of new colour roles is far and away
> the most important item in the list - so perhaps we should concentrate
> on that for now.
heh.. that's prett much what i said on the kde-usability list =)
> In particular, the existing colours only handle basic widget /
> subwidget types and a few states. What is missing is a set of
> KDE-wide colors for more abstract things:
> For example, colors to indicate:
the OU.o pdf contained a list of these colours; they #d them, however, with
documentary suggestions as to which each colour would mean. i really think we
ought to have a nice set of enumerations and leave the #s as an
implementation detail that never sees the light of day (aka exposed in the
public API).
> I am going to be possibly controversial here and suggest that we don't
> rush to provide a configuration tool with KDE to change all of these
> colours individually, Instead with the focus on trying to provide a
agreed; the understanding of the needed solution here is not complete enough
imho to go too far with it, such as configuration UIs. there are so many
questions to be answered yet =)
> One other thing is that there are times when it might an application
> might require a use which is not covered in the list. Perhaps we
> could provide a method for an application to ask whether a particular
> colour combination is acceptable ( ie.
> KSomeClass::areColorsAcceptable(foregroundColor,backgroundColor) ) and
> if not, the application can fall back to something safer.
hm... what is the use case for this?
p.s. does this discussion belong on kde-usability or k-c-d?
Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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