kdelibs TODO list

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Fri Jul 27 06:34:34 BST 2007

On Thursday 26 July 2007, Clarence Dang wrote:
> On Friday 27 July 2007 07:45, Allen Winter wrote:
> > I would like to move the kdelibs/TODO file onto Techbase.
> > I already imported the current contents to [1]
> >
> > Any objections?
> > In kdelibs/TODO we'll simply say to see [1] for the list.
> >
> > My next step will be turning the list into a table.
> > Then I will go through the mailing list and add other
> > outstanding "short term" items.
> Would this be a good place to list KDE4-specific kdelibs bugs as well? 

i'd think not as these are progressive tasks versus bugs-to-fix; but we 
could/should have a "hot list" of bugs on the wiki that we can hunt down and 
kill. this could either be a page on the wiki or a tag on b.k.o we can search 
for (version == 4.0? ;)

either way, perhaps if we can quickly enumerate as many of these bad boys as 
possible (which is my one reservation with using b.k.o at this point) we 
could do a "4.0 bugs squash" day every week where we just sit around and kill 
the most noticable uglies.

what say yee all?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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