KDE 4.0 Feature Freeze

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Sat Jul 14 13:44:17 BST 2007


The New Feature freeze for the 4.0 release is scheduled for 25 July (11 days),
to coincide with the first Beta.  This means that no new features in your
applications can be started after 25 July -- feel free to finish work on features
(like SoC goodies) that were started before this date.

The Release Team is currently discussing if this date should be moved forward
to the second Beta (approx 25 August).  But we need to know if there are
critical features that can't be started before 25 July.  Of course, one person's
"critical" is another person's "nice-to-have".

Keep in mind that we really want to concentrate on simply "making things work"
in the 4.0 release.  We can add lots more goodies with later releases.

In summary, please respond if you:
 - know about a new feature that can't be started before 25 July AND
 - think this feature is critical to the 4.0 release AND
 - want the freeze delayed

Allen, KDEPIM Release Dude

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