KDE development with git

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. bss03 at volumehost.net
Fri Jul 13 08:09:05 BST 2007

On Friday 13 July 2007, Simon Hausmann <hausmann at kde.org> wrote about 'Re: 
KDE development with git':
> On Friday 13 July 2007 01:54:39 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> > The inability
> > for git to pull less than the entire history of the project for the
> > initial checkout is a large issue (bazaar has fixed this flaw in their
> > distributed VCS).
> Have you see git clone's --depth option that addresses this problem?

No; thanks for the hint.

> Besides that the feature you're looking for is present,

Well, that was *one* example.  I'm glad git has addressed this, but I'm 
still not sure it's appropriate for KDE.

> imports of other 
> project history in git have shown that in average the size of the entire
> history compressed is usually just as big as a single source checkout.

That's not my experience on *any* of the numerous trees I've pulled down 
via git-svn.  Now, the compressed history is smaller than I expected in 
some cases, but it's still quite a bit larger that a flat source checkout.

Which, IMO, is *fine*.  I'm not concerned with the footprint on my disks -- 
just the time from between thinking "I'll checkout project X" and being 
ready to hack on project X is quite long.  E.g., I'm been continually 
pulling down KDE revisions for *weeks* since I issues my git-svn clone 
command.  (I'm not sure if git-svn supports --depth yet.)

> I 
> don't think repository size is an argument with git, provided we get the
> project boundaries right (which isn't hard I think).

I'd prefer keeping everything together like it is now, and using a VCS that 
lets users that want less than everything check out individual directories 
or files (like SVN).

If things are divided up in the future, it should be made easy to maintain 
history when moving a class or application across the boundaries.  E.g. 
from koffice to kde<something> to kdelibs or playground to review to trunk 
to (maintainence or historical) branch or a combination of those two 

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
bss03 at volumehost.net                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     
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