Solving the colour scheme issues properly

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Thu Jul 12 16:52:02 BST 2007

Olaf Schmidt wrote:
> I have now changed the PHP page to use the equivalent of
> KCU:mix (baseColor, fullyTintedColor) for amount < 0.5
> KCU:mix (tintColor, fullyTintedColor) for amount > 0.5
> Amount 0.5 is now the fully tinted colour, which is the only thing that I 
> really care about, and only in the context of KCS (see below).
> It is computed like this (pseudo-code):
>     hue_fullyTintedColor = hue_tintColor
>     saturation_fullyTintedColor = saturation_tintColor
>     if (luma_baseColor < 0.07)
>         luma_fullyTintedColor = min (luma_tintColor, 0.07)
>     else if (luma_baseColor > 0.65)
>         luma_fullyTintedColor = max (tintColor, 0.65)
>     else
>         luma_fullyTintedColor = luma_baseColor

I think the other issues are addressed, if not please remind me what 
isn't :-). Which leaves this... I'm still trying to understand what 
you're doing here. I noticed that your new algorithm now looks a lot 
like the current tint(), in fact with some minor nitpicks it looks like 
maybe we can agree on what tint() should be doing after all.

So... I'm still trying to figure out what you're doing that's different. 
Sorry for being dense, but can you give a more detailed description?

"Five is right out!"
   -- Cleric (from Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail)

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