KDE development with git

Paolo Capriotti p.capriotti at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 23:33:33 BST 2007

On Thursday 12 July 2007 00:12:21 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 July 2007, Benjamin Meyer wrote:
> > maintainers can slowly try git out and even possibly migrate things
> > out of KDE if it makes sense for them.  As they do that we can figure
> is migrating apps away from the central KDE bazaar really what we want?
> imo, the value of the combined community of developers is worth much, much
> more than the value of any given vcs.

That's true, of course, but moving away from the svn does not mean moving away 
from the community. 
If the necessary support is given to projects that choose to adopt another 
VCS, people will stay around and contribute to other projects just like they 
do when developing in svn. I can't really see the changes in terms of 
involvement in the community.
Plus, learning alternative tools is an added benefit for the community itself, 
and generally increases our level of understanding of the surrounding 
I do see the danger in having a zillion of different kde core projects 
spreaded in a number of hosting facilities, and that's exactly why I was 
proposing an "official" way to depart from svn.
For me using repo.or.cz is ok, but obviously an official kde hosting service 
would be better, and would help in keeping intact the feeling of community 
across the different kde projects.

Paolo Capriotti

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