porting kfilemetainfo to strigi

Jos van den Oever jvdoever at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 21:27:33 GMT 2007

2007/1/14, Krzysztof Lichota <krzysiek at lichota.net>:
> Jos van den Oever napisaƂ(a):
> > - Strigi cannot edit fields
> > Are there any KFilePlugins that allow for editable fields that store
> > in the file itself? In combination with nepomuk, we can allow for
> > editable fields but if this data must be stored in the file itself, we
> > have to reconsider the current approach.
> MP3s/OGGs?
Ah, interesting. The edit fields in the file properties dialogue for
mp3 and ogg files is new to me. I'll think about how to keep this


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