proposed KAction/KActionCollection API changes

Ellis Whitehead kde.07 at
Tue Jan 2 23:21:50 GMT 2007

Hi Simon,

Wow, this is a trip back in time for me.  We discussed the verbosity
issue once five years ago. *grin*

I stopped maintaining KAction and friends a long time ago, so I'm not
trying to interfere, but here are a couple thoughts anyway.

> 1) KAction and its subclasses get the same 3 (compatible) constructors...
> 2) Actions need to be explicitly added to the actioncollection...

For a long list of actions, I still find the table-like actions lists
like in Olivier email *much much* easier to read than 3 or 4 lines of
code per action.  I personally wouldn't be want to lose the
possibility for these concise definitions.

> 3) KActionCollection supports QActions and also provides configurable
> shortcuts for them, through the use of dynamic properties.

Seems like a good idea, but where exactly do you see the advantage?
Also, considering dynamic properties, how would QAction be more
limited than KAction (other than the different key handling backends)?

Best regards,

On 1/2/07, Simon Hausmann <hausmann at> wrote:
> Hi,
> as you may have noticed Kevin and I have been doing some mysterious commits to
> branches/work/kaction-cleanup-branch. We would like to propose a change in
> the API that affects a lot of code. Let me first briefly outline the existing
> KDE 2/3 style API:
> KAction and its subclasses are created using single constructor calls that
> combine multiple method calls into one:
> KAction *a = new KAction(i18n("&Reload"), "reload", CTRL + Key_F5, this,
> SLOT(reload()), actionCollection(), "view_reload");
> This sets the action's text, icon and shortcut, connects the triggered
> (activated) slot, makes the action a child of the passed actionCollection and
> registers it as "view_reload" at the same time.
> KAction and KActionCollection are tightly coupled. KActionCollection does not
> support putting QAction objects into it, which however can be a useful thing
> as Qt provides action objects sometimes, for example for dockwidgets or the
> undo-redo stack. One may want to provide KActionCollection's features such as
> the saving/loading of configurable shortcuts for these actions, too.
> To developers KActionCollection acts as associative container that maps from a
> name to the action itself. Very often actions are extracted from
> KActionCollection with the name that was passed to the KAction constructor.
> In KDE 4 KAction inherits from QAction (finally) and as part of the work in
> the recent weeks we've been able to get rid of quite a bit of cruft in
> KAction to bring the two closer together.
> Unfortunately KAction's constructors are right now incompatible with QAction.
> KAction is not a drop-in replacement, it is different because one has to pass
> the name to the constructor along with a KActionCollection as parent. QAction
> on the other hand has only three constructors.
> We would like to propose the following changes:
> 1) KAction and its subclasses get the same 3 (compatible) constructors as
> QAction.
> 2) Actions need to be explicitly added to the actioncollection. The name used
> for extraction from the actioncollection (and with xmlgui) is specified when
> adding the action to the collection, for symmetry. We would like to use
> KActionCollection::addAction(const QString &name, QAction *action) for that.
> 3) KActionCollection supports QActions and also provides configurable
> shortcuts for them, through the use of dynamic properties.
> [ 4) Get rid of the ugly setObjectName() hiding in KAction ]
> The result for application code is that it becomes a lot more verbose:
> KAction *a = new KAction(i18n("&Reload"), "reload", CTRL + Key_F5, this,
> SLOT(reload()), actionCollection(), "view_reload");
> becomes
> KAction *a = new KAction(KIcon("reload"), i18n("&Reload"), this);
> a->setShortcut(Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_F5);
> connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reload());
> actionCollection()->addAction("view_reload", a);
> Or alternatively:
> KAction *a = actionCollection()->addAction("view_reload");
> a->setShortcut(Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_F5);
> connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reload());
> What do people think about this?
> Simon

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