Pre-release: Qt3 D-Bus bindings

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at
Fri Feb 9 01:21:16 GMT 2007

Hi folks,

the past three weeks I have been working on the Qt3 D-Bus again.

I have now reached a stage where they can do proper marshalling and 
demarshalling even of comples types (like arrays of dictionaries).

However, the APIDOX are in sad state since they reflect the previous 
implemenation and have not been updated yet.

The best "documentation" currently is the code I wrote for the dbus-test 
cross-binding test suite, located in test/cross-test.

The test suite is a service and a client from each binding, thus can be used 
to study the implemenation of both sides for the same interface.

I have (also included) written a simple code generator tool (dbusxml2qt3) 
which can generate service and client side convenience code, e.g. the 
interface stub for the server side will be pure virtual methods the 
application has to implement, while message handling is "hidden" in the 
generated subclass.

The above mentioned test suite programs use this as well.

It's quite likely that there are bugs for some aspects of the binding, so if 
you find some, let me know.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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