3.5.6 'make check' problems (base)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Feb 7 16:22:53 GMT 2007

On 07.02.07 17:07:33, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> > Thinking about this a bit more, even the most trivial change can
> > introduce behavioural change which leads to the conclusion that tests
> > should be always run when compiling code. After all thats a pretty
> > normal thing among other build suites (for example maven in the java
> > world), where you have a hard time disabling the run of tests.
> If you think even more, you'll figure that our volunteers' time is worth a lot 
> too and some only want a compiled KDE to fix bugs.

I do know how tedious it can be to run tests that take half an hour to
complete just to fix a simple bug. I am not too fond of the idea to run
all tests before checking in a change, but unless tests are not run
on a regular basis they are nearly useless, IMHO.

> But as we preach, you see we learned our leasson and that make check
> is now part of the dashboard - especially as we target non-UNIX
> systems by now.

Would it be possible to have dashboard also execute the tests?

Anyway, I do understand that people care about the tests and some
probably also run them occasionally, so I think no further preaching is
necessary ;)

BTW: KDE4 looks pretty good so far, keep up the great work.


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