Tab color in oxygen style (was: KDE default colors updated)

Robert Knight robertknight at
Fri Dec 28 19:27:24 GMT 2007

> I'm not convinced

There are other options of course, such as making the other inactive
tabs darker or changing the 3D effect on the active tab.  What matters
is that the active tab can be easily identified.

> Was there a particular color scheme that tabs are hard to see?

I personally am using the "Norway" colour scheme, since I prefer the
warmer colours over the blue tints of the default.

A couple of screenshots to illustrate the problem:


On 28/12/2007, Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad at> wrote:
> Robert Knight wrote:
> > A small issue:
> >
> > - The active tab in a tab bar is difficult to make out in all color
> > schemes because the contrast between the inactive and active tab
> > highlights is quite small.  Perhaps use the button color to highlight
> > the active tab?
> Given that button color may or may not be the same as window color, and
> also that in many schemes it is lighter and I'm not sure I'd like that
> effect, I'm not convinced. That said, I'm also not unwilling to make a
> change. Was there a particular color scheme that tabs are hard to see?
> If you have an example, I'll be better equipped to see about an
> improvement :-).
> --
> Matthew
> Don't read this. What did I just tell you? Why are you still reading?

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