KPropertiesDialog needs a fix

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Dec 27 23:44:42 GMT 2007

On 27.12.07 23:41:31, Tobias Koenig wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 24, 2007 at 08:30:33PM +0100, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> > Hi again,
> Hej,
> sorry for the late reply, didn't followed the thread first...
> I don't like that patch at all, as it breaks the design of the PageView
> completely and moves that class into the direction of KJanusWidget, a
> class with a lot of 'if case X do this, otherwise do that' where nobody
> was able to maintain that class anylonger... don't let's do the same
> mistake!!!

While I completely agree about the "not do the same mistake again" part,
I think you should provide some hints how to fix the apparent visual
problems with the "old" code (as the changes have AFAIK already been
comitted) in the right way, if you completely object a given patch.

Explaining in a bit more detail what exactly is bad about the change and
how it breaks the design of the PageView might already give some


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