[PATCH] KProcess port of khelpcenter

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Thu Dec 20 15:39:51 GMT 2007

Oswald Buddenhagen schrieb:
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 12:12:59PM +0100, Ralf Habacker wrote:
>> - I have changed the variable holding stdout results into QByteArray to 
>> avoid the known problems.
> why do you use this variable at all? there is no point in it.
okay removed.
>> - this requires to remove QLatin1String - hope there are no side effects
> there are none. i suggest you rtfm on qlatin1sting. ;)
>> Index: searchengine.cpp
>> ===================================================================
>> --- searchengine.cpp	(revision 749421)
>> +++ searchengine.cpp	(working copy)
>> +    KProcess *proc = new KProcess();
>>      QStringList cmd = commonSearchProgram.split( " ");
>>      QStringList::ConstIterator it;
>>      for( it = cmd.begin(); it != cmd.end(); ++it ) {
>> @@ -349,37 +330,38 @@
>>             arg.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\"'))) {
>>          arg = arg.mid( 1, arg.length() - 2 );
>>        }
>> -      *mProc << arg.toUtf8();
>> +      proc << arg.toUtf8();
>>      }
> these code fragments suggest kshell::splitargs usage, but it's hard to
> say without the context.
Your right, i replaced the stuff.

Append an updated path. I would commit if no more issues.



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