Installed sounds

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Aug 27 19:28:37 BST 2007

On 27.08.07 18:20:25, pinheiro wrote:
> A Monday 27 August 2007 18:07:54, Andreas Pakulat escreveu:
> > On 27.08.07 16:56:03, pinheiro wrote:
> > > A Monday 27 August 2007 16:40:05, Andreas Pakulat escreveu:
> > > > I don't have a good memory, but IIRC he said something close to "only
> > > > ship oxygen" (pinheiro please correct me if I'm wrong here, but thats
> > > > what I recall from the style thread from you).
> > >
> > > yes for the very simple reson that they are vastly supirior in ever
> > > aspect, we have all the sizes we want and we will provide resolution
> > > specific versions. Can the old ones do that?
> >
> > No, but do the people that use those wallpapers _now_ in their
> > resolution need resolution-independant wallpapers? I really don't see
> > the problem with shipping the old ones besides the new ones and choosing
> > a new wallpaper as default (same for styles, music, icons, whatnot).
> >
> > Andreas
> Couse as pointed not by me the quality of the menu i chose from is also a part 
> of the general quality of the restaurant. 

Sure, but I still like to eat a so called "Bauernfruehstueck" (its a
omelette with with fried potatoes and possibly some mushrooms in it) on
an average restaurant menu. There are some things that are just
"classic" meals that never get out of date.

> Will this lets keep everybody happy atitude will lead us to having an 
> walpaper, styles, music, icons museum inside kde?

Uhm, thats not what I said, or tried to say. I was talking about things
that have a good amount of users. I certainly agree that some old-style
wallpaper thats beeing used by 5 people is not worth keeping in

> Wen do we draw the line?

Thats the really hard part and I think Johann came up with a good enough
way to draw it.

> As i said i realy dont want to see my stuf in kde in 
> say 6 years.

Sure, but as you will agree, you're not the only KDE user out there ;) 

> hell the wallpaper plasma is using now is ice but im sooo sick 
> of it we wont be send it along with the new ones.

Well, I don't know how the new ones look, but the current wallpaper
looks quite cool to me. OTOH I will stick to my finding-nemo
custom-stiched wallpaper until I get a new PC and need another format.


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