Installed sounds
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Mon Aug 27 16:40:05 BST 2007
On 27.08.07 17:16:34, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> On 8/27/07, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> > On 27.08.07 15:30:35, pinheiro wrote:
> > > A Monday 27 August 2007 14:59:49, Jaison Lee escreveu:
> > > > > > > Can we just simple remove all of the old stuf and just keep the
> > new
> > > > > > > ones please? They are small simlpe and elegant.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I don't see any reason to remove perfectly good preexisting
> > sounds.
> > > > > > The Oxygen ones are nice and I'm sure some people will enjoy them
> > but
> > > > > > others (such as myself) will like things as-is.
> > > > >
> > > > > Ok and i gess the same goes to wallpapers, icons, and everything
> > rest,
> > > > > makes sence.
> > > >
> > > > No actually it doesn't. This conversation wasn't talking about those,
> > > > but thank you for making it seem as though it was. FWIW, I think most
> > > > old wallpapers should be kept, icons unfortunately not due to sheer
> > > > size, and I can't speak for "everything rest" because I don't feel
> > > > like putting words in your mouth as you seem to wish to do so for me.
> > >
> > > I dont. So we should just keep on hading stuf in...??? We made a contest
> > and
> > > kde 4 will have some of the best walppaers i have hever seen, and you
> > want to
> > > put in the midle of them pices of work that look plain old and used....?
> >
> > Yes, why not. People like those olds, ever thought about that? I don't
> > get why everything that has been developed in the last years has to be
> > removed just because a handful of artists say its outdated. After all
> > we're still doing it for the users and the people that like the old
> > stuff are users as well.
> Of course they do. Yet you must agree that SOME of these wallpapers are
> really 1995-ish things which really nobody likes.
So you have precise numbers from our target user base about which
wallpapers they like and which they don't like? Then I'm all for
removing those that are not to our users liking. Wether something was
done in 1995, 1850 or 1034 b.c. doesn't matter if there's still a
relatively large amount of people wanting it.
> Moving some of them to the Get Hot New Stuff system (that's what it's
> for, after all) makes the new stuff easier to find. How would you feel
> if you worked hard on creating something great and beautiful, and it's
> put on equal foot with and almost impossible to find between huge
> amounts of older stuff, ranging in quality between decent (even though
> old) and really really (REALLY!) old and outdated...
Well, I don't know how much wallpapers are currently shipped with kde4,
but I have 17 wallpapers installed from kde3 kdeartwork package. I don't
see how it is hard to find a new wallpaper among some 17 others (I
suspect that some of the wallpapers need to be removed as they contain
kde3 on it, I'm all for doing that), especially if the oxygen team
delivers 10 new wallpapers (or was it just 5?)
> Sure make the new shiny stuff the default, but
> > let the users that want it have their beloved "ancient" thing easily,
> > without hunting it down on kde-looks or somewhere else.
> Get hot new stuff rules, it's not that hard. Besides, I hope he meant not
> removing ALL old wallpapers and stuff (some are indeed nice) but just
> weeding out the worst, putting those on get-hot-new-stuff...
How do you decide whats worst? You need to come up with some kind of
voting for this IMHO, because as far as I can see our oxygen artist team
just wants to drop all old stuff (thats the impression I got from this
and the style thread).
Is GetHotNewStuff in place for all appearance/style related things, like
icons, kstyles, kwin-styles, wallpapers, sounds and color themes? If not
the first step before moving stuff to GHNS is to make everything have
GHNS support.
> > Sure, but if some users have their own coherent themeing for their
> > desktop let them have it. You can't force somebody to find your art
> > cool, nice, beautiful,.. by removing the stuff he wants to look
> > at/listen to.
> let's try to find a middle ground here. Some things are worth keeping,
> others need to be ported anyway,
Only kstyles and kwin styles need to be "ported", anything else about
visual and audio appearance doesn't need any porting.
> and some most ppl would agree are best off
> on, right? Pinheiro, being an Artist, probably wants to go
> radical. Yet he's a smart guy, and he didn't suggest to only ship Oxygen
> stuff, did he? (I'm too busy to check that, and even if he did - we have a
> dutch saying: "the soup never gets eaten as hot as it is served").
I don't have a good memory, but IIRC he said something close to "only
ship oxygen" (pinheiro please correct me if I'm wrong here, but thats
what I recall from the style thread from you).
> Let's cut him some slack, ask him friendly what he wants to remove (maybe a
> detailed blog about it, P?) and not start panicking yet.
As I said above: My full support for some kind of "voting" about what
iconsets, themes, win-decos, sounds, colorsets to keep. Based on a list
that our Artist groups want to remove would probably limit the amount
pretty well.
Don't worry. Life's too long.
-- Vincent Sardi, Jr.
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