Installed sounds
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Mon Aug 27 15:59:59 BST 2007
On 27.08.07 15:30:35, pinheiro wrote:
> A Monday 27 August 2007 14:59:49, Jaison Lee escreveu:
> > > > > Can we just simple remove all of the old stuf and just keep the new
> > > > > ones please? They are small simlpe and elegant.
> > > >
> > > > I don't see any reason to remove perfectly good preexisting sounds.
> > > > The Oxygen ones are nice and I'm sure some people will enjoy them but
> > > > others (such as myself) will like things as-is.
> > >
> > > Ok and i gess the same goes to wallpapers, icons, and everything rest,
> > > makes sence.
> >
> > No actually it doesn't. This conversation wasn't talking about those,
> > but thank you for making it seem as though it was. FWIW, I think most
> > old wallpapers should be kept, icons unfortunately not due to sheer
> > size, and I can't speak for "everything rest" because I don't feel
> > like putting words in your mouth as you seem to wish to do so for me.
> I dont. So we should just keep on hading stuf in...??? We made a contest and
> kde 4 will have some of the best walppaers i have hever seen, and you want to
> put in the midle of them pices of work that look plain old and used....?
Yes, why not. People like those olds, ever thought about that? I don't
get why everything that has been developed in the last years has to be
removed just because a handful of artists say its outdated. After all
we're still doing it for the users and the people that like the old
stuff are users as well. Sure make the new shiny stuff the default, but
let the users that want it have their beloved "ancient" thing easily,
without hunting it down on kde-looks or somewhere else.
> > How about we make a deal? When there are more than a grand total of 16
> > seemingly random Oxygen sounds that aren't even being installed right
> > now, then we can revisit things, but until then let's stop trying to
> > remove currently working alternatives.
> Want me to upload them right now???
> I judge a desktop in alll its aspects and the quality and coerency of its
> options is one of them.
Sure, but if some users have their own coherent themeing for their
desktop let them have it. You can't force somebody to find your art
cool, nice, beautiful,.. by removing the stuff he wants to look
at/listen to.
You're being followed. Cut out the hanky-panky for a few days.
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