Blitz change on Monday, (was Re: Naming of blitz ?)

Mosfet daniel.duley at
Sun Aug 26 23:24:36 BST 2007

No, Blitz is needed at least for porting stuff off of KImageEffect. I just 
haven't committed the ported stuff yet ;-) This was discussed earlier. 

I added the dep early because I'm only allowed one day a week to do such 
things :P

Don't worry about this, Blitz's findpackage cmake module will be set to the 
new locations. 

On Sunday 26 August 2007 4:33:21 pm Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 26.08.07 14:40:32, Mosfet wrote:
> > Yes, at least the background render will need it, but that hasn't been
> > committed yet.
> Uhm, kdebase already requires Blitz since sometime this week. At least
> thats what SaroEngels told me when he was building kdebase two days ago
> on win32. However it seems its just a find_package currently, nothing
> links against blitz (at least no CMakeLists.txt contains a reference to
> a blitz library). Hmm, IMHO the find_package should be removed then.
> Andreas

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