Blitz change on Monday, (was Re: Naming of blitz ?)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Aug 26 22:33:21 BST 2007

On 26.08.07 14:40:32, Mosfet wrote:
> Yes, at least the background render will need it, but that hasn't been 
> committed yet. 

Uhm, kdebase already requires Blitz since sometime this week. At least
thats what SaroEngels told me when he was building kdebase two days ago
on win32. However it seems its just a find_package currently, nothing
links against blitz (at least no CMakeLists.txt contains a reference to
a blitz library). Hmm, IMHO the find_package should be removed then.


There is a 20% chance of tomorrow.

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