[PATCH] kdeui/dialogs/kmessagebox.cpp

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 13:29:20 BST 2007

Hi Simon,

Ah thanks ! "-reverse" is quite good for taking a look on how everything
works for RTL languages.

Yeah I have seen that with -reverse almost everything works really well.
(Forcing a dialog to RTL and then calling KMessageBox::information with
another parent showed the KMessageBox in LTR and I thought something was
missing, but it seems that with -reverse it is shown correctly, so... nice),

There is something regarding paths on RTL languages. Because this is a
really different issue than the one posted on this topic, I'm open a new
thread for it.

Bye and thanks,
Rafael Fernández López.

PS: today I'm reverting stupid changes I did on
kdelibs/kdeui/widgets/ktitlewidget.cpp because of the LTR/RTL issue.
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