Plugin linking problem

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Aug 6 22:50:06 BST 2007

On 06.08.07 22:59:29, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am facing a problem I am not sure I can solve in a trivial way. We have:
> - A plugin
> - A KCModule
> The problem I want to solve is:
> - The plugin has static public methods and properties.
> - The KCModule is the configuration dialog FOR THAT PLUGIN, and has to
> access in some way to those static methods for setting/getting those
> properties, apart from writing them to a config file.
> So, what would be the optimal is having two different libraries, and
> the kcmodule is loaded when going to be configured (KPluginSelector
> loads it automagically), but obviously this one needs to be linked to
> the plugin for accessing those methods.

Instead of doing that, you could let the plugin monitor for config
changes. If you use KSettings::Dialog you can do that with
KSettings::Dispatcher::registerComponent, I guess you can extend that to
KPluginSelector or write something similar for KPluginSelector.


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