RFC: KRecentFilesAction: hide urls

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 17 22:45:53 BST 2007

Joseph Wenninger wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 April 2007 23:02, Johnathan Burchill wrote:
> [...]
>>> I made some quick mock-ups (in Gimp) for the latter two suggestions, alas
>>> not for the primary one:
>>> http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~meine/recentfiles-current.png
>>> http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~meine/recentfiles-dimmed.png
>>> http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~meine/recentfiles-short.png
>>> http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~meine/recentfiles-shortdimmed.
>>> pn g
>> I vote for recentfiles-shortdimmed.
> I guess it's the decission of style plugin developers and can't be done in the 
> action itself, right ? If it's possible to do, then it is  +1 vote for 
> recentfiles-shortdimmed from me

Not precisely, since I think that would imply that the menu already 
contains information about such-and-such part should be drawn 
differently, which I don't think to be the case (this means we would 
need to somehow add this information). Also I think the question about 
long/short is in the menu API and not the style, so that's still up for 

I would also vote for short, but maybe add the word "in" there? e.g. 
'foo.txt [in /home/self/docs]'

I would also like to see dimmed if it is possible. (So the above is 
read: I like both ideas in shortdimmed, in whatever combination they can 
be implemented.)

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