[RFC] Using KPassivePopup from KSystrayIcon
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
bss03 at volumehost.net
Wed Apr 4 11:19:14 BST 2007
On Wednesday 04 April 2007, Hans Meine <hans_meine at gmx.net> wrote
about 'Re: [RFC] Using KPassivePopup from KSystrayIcon':
> Am Dienstag, 03. April 2007 23:48:19 schrieb Matthew Woehlke:
> > > No problem. Just realize we use C++ and not C, embrace the new
> > > millenium and start using NULL ;).
> >
> > Um, I think I saw somewhere in the KDE standards *not* to use NULL...
> >
> > Hmm... interesting. [1] says NULL is okay, but [2] says it isn't.
> > Which is right?
> >
> > [1] http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/mistakes.html
> > [2] http://pim.kde.org/development/coding-korganizer.php
> I liked using NULL (in order to be unambiguous) until I was told that it
> is not portable. NULL is not always defined to be "just zero", but it
> may be (void *)0. Now you might get a problem if you assign a void ptr
> to a typed pointer variable. :-(
Stroustrup uses 0:
The standard says they are the same (after preprocessing). Some compilers
that haven't caught up to the standard way of doing things, so to be safe
(and save a little bit of typing) use 0.
I /greatly/ prefer NULL, and have no problem telling those having trouble
with my code to get a standards-compliant compiler. That said, I'm not
here to change (or establish) KDE policy -- I'll wait until
number_of_commits_by("bss03 at volumehost.net") > 0 to do that. :)
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =.
bss03 at volumehost.net ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.org/ \_/
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