Loading Konqueror sidebar plugins using KLibLoader::library()

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at lichota.net
Tue Sep 26 15:42:16 BST 2006

Matthias Kretz napisaƂ(a):
>> So I wouldn't object to it being used there, as long as you check that it
>> still all works - e.g. that the current plugins don't have symbol conflicts
>> with the rest of the code [or with each other?]. 
> A better fix would be to put the "public" parts of the sidebar plugin into a 
> shared lib and let both the sidebar plugin and the the plugin to the sidebar 
> plugin link to that lib.

The public part is Python library and it is linked into Python scripts
automatically, so I have no control over it.
But thanks for the tip :)

	Krzysztof Lichota

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