kio crash with latest kdelibs and qt/mac

Benjamin Reed rangerrick at
Wed Sep 13 04:56:56 BST 2006

I've been working on updating my snapshots to match the new qt-copy
and latest kde trunk, and it looks like kio is pooched, at least on

Host Name:      Disco-Volante
Date/Time:      2006-09-12 23:41:10.554 -0400
OS Version:     10.4.8 (Build 8L112)
Report Version: 4

Command: konqueror
Path:    /opt/kde4/bin/
Parent:  WindowServer [78]

Version:  ()

PID:    10087
Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libkio.5.dylib              0x05b42a6c
KIO::Slave::createSlave(QString const&, KUrl const&, int&, QString&) +
5580 (qatomic_macosx.h:197)
1   libkio.5.dylib              0x05b5323c
KIO::SimpleJob*, KUrl const&) + 92 (scheduler.cpp:520)
2   libkio.5.dylib              0x05b53e50
KIO::Scheduler::startJobScheduled(KIO::Scheduler::ProtocolInfo*) + 624
3   libkio.5.dylib              0x05b54270 KIO::Scheduler::startStep()
+ 336 (scheduler.cpp:268)
4   libkio.5.dylib              0x05b5494c
KIO::Scheduler::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) + 252
5   QtCore                      0x0f178b48
QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 1188
6   QtCore                      0x0f178204 QObject::event(QEvent*) + 712
7   QtGui                       0x0f484c28
QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 552
8   QtGui                       0x0f48aa40
QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 1156
9   libkdecore.5.dylib          0x035e7420
KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 928 (kapplication.cpp:340)
10  QtGui                       0x0f4c5210
QEventDispatcherMacPrivate::activateTimers() + 160
11  QtGui                       0x0f4c6008
+ 276
12  QtCore                      0x0f169bb0
QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 68
13  QtCore                      0x0f169d28
QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 148
14  QtCore                      0x0f16ce94 QCoreApplication::exec() + 224
15  libkdeinit_konqueror.dylib  0x0102c02c kdemain + 7516 (
16                              0x00007bac _start + 760
17                              0x000078b0 start + 48

Thread 1:
0   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9001f08c select + 12
1   QtCore                      0x0f15b3f8 QProcessManager::run() + 116
2   QtCore                      0x0f100da0 QThreadPrivate::start(void*) + 196
3   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 2:
0   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9001f08c select + 12
1    0x907ef40c __CFSocketManager + 472
2   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96

I don't know for certain (yet) that this is the issue, but I notice a
recent change (583210) touches that bit of code in kio, could it be

Index: scheduler.h
--- scheduler.h (revision 583209)
+++ scheduler.h (revision 583210)
@@ -358,8 +358,6 @@
         SessionData *sessionData;
         bool checkOnHold;
         QMap<QObject *,WId> m_windowList;
-    protected:
-       virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
        class SchedulerPrivate* d;
Index: scheduler.cpp
--- scheduler.cpp       (revision 583209)
+++ scheduler.cpp       (revision 583210)
@@ -880,9 +880,4 @@
     return instance;

-void Scheduler::virtual_hook( int, void* )
-{ /* BASE::virtual_hook( id, data ); */ }
 #include "scheduler.moc"

I don't know enough of what this actually does to be able to tell if
it's related or not.  Any ideas what's going on?

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