Patch on ksnapshot

Thomas Zander zander at
Thu Sep 7 21:24:00 BST 2006

On Thursday 7 September 2006 21:39, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > Its an unfortunate consequence of human nature that people tend to
> > not know what they really want until they actually used it.
> Yeah. I'm pretty sure people want to open snapshots with a second
> application in order to print them instead of just clicking on the
> Print button.
> Did I already propose to add the LikeBack functionality to KSnapShot in
> order to find out whether people really like this new functionality?

With answers like this, who needs to read slashdot with clueless 
karma-whores writing offensive language just to get the feeling they are 

Its fine if you have an opinion that differs from others, but this is just 
not a way to convey that.
Thomas Zander
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