KLibFactory preview of planned changes

Holger Freyther freyther at kde.org
Tue Oct 31 07:25:01 GMT 2006

Am 30.10.2006 um 11:05 schrieb Jaroslaw Staniek:

> Holger Freyther said the following, On 2006-10-28 02:45:
>> This patch removes the QStringList from the various APIs and  
>> kdelibs,  kdepimlibs and kdebase compile and sort of run. What is  
>> missing is  converting all the plugins to not have a QStringList  
>> argument as  well, and to make use of QProperty as a replacement  
>> for the  QStringList argument in Konqueror and kdeprint.
> Does it mean we'll be using QObject::setProperty ( const char *  
> name, const QVariant & value ) instead? If so, removing QStringlist  
> args is good in my case (e.g. I use custom plugins in Kexi, with at  
> least 4 different interfaces).
> QString->QVariant mapping could be indeed better for me, because so  
> far I needed to case some data to strings.


yes that would be the plan. The one who creates the instance will be  
responsible for setting the properties.


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