kross in kdelibs
Benjamin Meyer
ben at
Thu Oct 19 23:54:06 BST 2006
On Thursday 19 October 2006 8:46 pm, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Thursday 19 October 2006 19:10, Carsten Niehaus wrote:
> > I wonder if it could be generalized enough so that pure Qt4 apps like
> > Scribus could use it as well.
> A better strategy is the scribus guys to start depending on kdelibs as
> there are no porting issues in kde4 anymore.
Haha, sorry, but I doubt any applications that have their own release schedule
and are currently using Qt4 (and not kde) will *add* a dependency on KDE4libs
until at minimum kdelibs puts out a beta. I know I wouldn't. My app wouldn't
have everything that kdelibs will give me, but if I added a dependency on
kdelibs right now my releases would freeze and worse I would have *no* idea
when kdelibs will be released on all my platforms so that I can just have a
dependency. Maybe I wouldn't have another release for a year. That is just
suicide for a lot of small open source applications that have a few
Way more likely they will rip out the parts of KDE they want themselves until
kdelibs gets a stable release out.
-Benjamin Meyer
aka icefox
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