Does the BIC Monday rule apply to all changes?

Thomas Zander zander at
Fri Oct 13 22:01:33 BST 2006

On Friday 13 October 2006 14:33, Matt Rogers wrote:
> Does the BIC mondays rule apply to changes that don't require a
> recompilation of kdeilbs (such as build system changes)? There have been at
> least two changes to the build system this week that required my updating
> kdelibs in order to continue hacking and I would like clarification as to
> when the rule does and doesn't apply.

It was my understanding that only on Mondays people that work outside of 
kdelibs/kdepimlibs would ever be forced to update those two modules due to 
dependency issues.

Meaning that it would be 'illegal' to remove a cmake module from koffice on a 
Wednesday because it just got added on that day to kdelibs. The removal would 
have to wait for the next Monday.

Was I wrong? Do people disagree that this is at least in the spirit of the 
formerly provided ruleset?
Thomas Zander
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