proposal for full application scripting language in KDE 4

Simon Edwards simon at
Mon Oct 9 20:05:47 BST 2006

On Monday 09 October 2006 19:33, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Monday 09 October 2006 3:23, Richard Dale wrote:
> > Note that we are working on C++, Java, C# and Ruby support for KDevelop4.
> > Any other languages, such as Python can be implemented as plugins in the
> > extragear module. We haven't included Python, not because we don't like 
> > but because there is no suitable developer who has volunteered to
> > implement 
> > equivalent support to the 4 languages we've chosen to target.

> perhaps something to blog about to see if any motivated Python people
> emerge?  
> perhaps an email to Python interest lists?

The situation is that the Python community is already well served with quite a 
few (too many??) Python IDEs. And the Python people who are into Qt and KDE 
are even better served by the Eric3 IDE, which has been actively developed 
for years and is also written using PyQt.

Python IDEs are an itch that has already been scratched. Perhaps not as 
conceptually neat as a one big IDE that does every language (KDevelop), but 
at the same time no-one can complain that there aren't any good Python IDEs 


Simon Edwards             | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
simon at       |
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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