Mocups of focus hints for panes

Jaroslaw Staniek js at
Thu Nov 30 22:17:30 GMT 2006

Matthew Woehlke said the following, On 2006-11-28 18:09:

> Yes, I did eventually realize what you were talking about here. I could 
> do a mock-up (or heck, maybe The Real Thing) of a better version if you 
> are interested. Are you? :-) Anything *I* would do would be done in 
> code, so any screenshots I would produce as a result would be The Real 
> Thing, rather than mock-ups made with image editors.

Yes I am interested, put some code or screenshots here for review - sooner, 
better; even if it is KDE-only, we'll get a solution for KDE apps.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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