Okular moving

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Fri Nov 17 07:47:06 GMT 2006

On Thursday 16 November 2006 23:52, Wilfried Huss wrote:
> > The TWG can then decide which application is most mature (not just
> > codewise) and is most in line with the userbase of KDE as a whole.
> As if there were an homogeneous userbase of KDE. And even if there were
> one, how would you find out what this userbase is?

Sorry for being unclear. The userbase I mentioned is "targetted" userbase. Not 
actual userbase.
The usability theory discovered that creating software for a very small set of 
people will create software that is usable by a huge set of people.
While creating software for just everyone will quickly make decisions on which 
features to have and how to design UIs so convoluted that you end up with 
software that only works for a few people (this tends to be what people 
call 'bloat').

KDE as a whole has made several steps into defining our target audience. This 
has little to do with who _can_ use it, but a lot more on who you are wise to 
say 'no' to when someone asks a for a new feature.

My previous email points out that working along that route will make it much 
less of a judgement call for anyone to guess if your programs fit inside of 

And if my voice counts, I'd go with an application that has a track record of 
using usability techniques and won prizes for best app.
Which would be oKular.
Thomas Zander
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