Okular moving

Wilfried Huss Wilfried.Huss at gmx.at
Thu Nov 16 22:51:20 GMT 2006

Am Donnerstag, 16. November 2006 23:33 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:
> Am Don Nov 16 2006 schrieb Tobias Koenig:
> > > DVI:
> > > - inverse and forward search, an important feature for people writing TeX
> > > documents, and an important feature of, e.g. the kile editor
> >
> > Yes, usfull for TeX writers but not for user Joe.
> Which is basically anyone in some technical field at any university. Given
> that Universities are a large user base (at least, lots of departments use
> linux! I recently also converted my office neighbor from Windows to Ubuntu,
> and just a few days ago from GNOME to KDE  -- he was quite dissatisfied about
> the instability and the limitedness of GNOME in some aspects, although he
> liked the polished way of GNOME a lot), that's still quite an argument.
> If this feature is missing, it would rule out the application for me as THE
> dvi or pdf viewer on my machine.
> > Hmm, okular is aimed to be a document _viewer_ not an document editor,
> > so all the insert/remove/modify features don't call.
> But that's one feature I have always been missing from any pdf application I'm
> using. For extracting a single page of a large paper I have received as a PDF
> (e.g. because I want to distribute some appendix or one important theorem to
> my students for teaching purposes; that's explicitly allowed by law in
> Austria!), I usually have to resolve to printing it to pdf (which is by far
> not optimal). Or of course using pdftk...
> > If you want to edit documents use real document editors (e.g. Scribus)
> Okay, that's off-topic now, but still:
> So, which application does allow extraction of some pages from a larger PDF
> file? (Remember, PDF is *THE* file format for scientific publications!)


And as Stefan mentioned, Ligature supports inverse/forward search not only
for DVI but also for PDF files. All you need for this is the pdfsync package:


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