qt-dbus compilation problem

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Wed May 31 20:26:07 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Thiago Macieira schrieb:
> Ralf Habacker wrote:
>> I'm talking about where the uninstalled binaries will be located.
> Leave them where they are. I don't see any reason to copy example or test 
> programs into bin/. We don't do that in Qt for instance.
say we are in
to run tests there must be a wrapper to each test applications setting
the path to the library. Your tst_qtdbusmarshall scripts enters
selftests/qbusmarshall/ping and run ping, which requires the path
C:\Daten\kde4\kdesupport\qt-dbus-build for finding the shared library

This wrappers couold be avoided if all binaries and shared libraries
lives in <buildroot>/bin

Please note they are not installed. It's only for testing and running

>> Additional ping.c has to be patched because  it could not start
>> ../qpong/qpong 
> You just have to run it from the proper directory.
>> and the call to dbusidl2cpp in examples/CMakeLists.txt 
>> has to be patched.
> Done.
>> BTW: How do you have planned to run the tests, by the cmake provided
>> test environment (add_test()) or in an other way ?
> I run each one after another and make sure that the error count is 0 for 
> all of them.

cmakes provided test suite enables to produce this

C:\Daten\kde4\kdesupport\qt-dbus-build>make test
Running tests...
Start processing tests
Test project
  1/  6 Testing tst_qdbusconnection           ***Failed
  2/  6 Testing tst_qdbusmarshall             ***Failed
  3/  6 Testing tst_qdbusxmlparser               Passed
  4/  6 Testing tst_qdbusinterface            ***Failed
  5/  6 Testing tst_qdbusabstractadaptor         Passed
  6/  6 Testing tst_hal                       ***Failed

33% tests passed, 4 tests failed out of 6

The following tests FAILED:
          1 - tst_qdbusconnection (Failed)
          2 - tst_qdbusmarshall (Failed)
          4 - tst_qdbusinterface (Failed)
          6 - tst_hal (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
mingw32-make: *** [test] Error 8

There is also to get the detailed test logs by running ctest -V

You may try the appended patch.


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