Proposal: Extended Attribute support in Kioslave: File

John Tapsell johnflux at
Tue May 9 11:17:15 BST 2006

Right.  I can add it to the properties box and tootips ( I added a
bunch of other stuff there before and cleaned up that code a bit).

On 5/9/06, David Faure <faure at> wrote:
> On Friday 05 May 2006 20:21, John Tapsell wrote:
> > Hi,
> >   Could you also add a function to return the size of the file on
> > disk.  I have filed a bug/wish against qt for this, but I doubt it
> > will be done in QFile.  If you are working in this area could you add
> > it to the kioslave instead?  This is particulary useful for those of
> > us who have sparse files.
> >
> > If you aren't sure exactly how to do it I can offer some pointers.
> > (Basically use stat to get the number of blocks it uses and multiple
> > by block size)
> I don't see much relation with xattr and mimetypes...
> This information would basically require a new KIO::UDS_SIZEONDISK enum
> value,
> and support for showing it in the properties dialog (I guess that's where
> you'd want it?)
> --
> David Faure, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
> Konqueror (, and KOffice (

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