Quality checks (again)

Dave Rowe dave at roweware.com
Mon Mar 20 15:39:45 GMT 2006

On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 17:34:32 +0200, Andras Mantia <amantia at kde.org> wrote:
> Here is some extra information about the checks:
> 1. Ported to Qt4:
> Maybe call ported to Qt/KDE4. Means that all the code is completely 
> ported to Qt/KDE4, without using Qt3Support or KDE3Support classes.
> Valid for both applications and libraries.
> Andras

Should this include verbiage about the use of deprecated methods?  I'm not sure if this was discussed before, but it would seem useful to include information about that...

dave at roweware.com

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