The Technical Working Group's mission statement

R.F. Pels ruurd at
Tue Mar 14 18:04:48 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 14 March 2006 18.16, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:

>> No kdevelop support for cmake, then, no cmake.
> Do you really think that
> a) scons/bksys has kdevelop support?

As they are not in the list of possibilities, the answer does not matter. In 
fact, I would oppose choosing for scons because:

1) it is not properly supported - or that is the impression I get from
   previous posts in this mailing list
2) it does not support parallel compilation.

> b) it's too hard to implement - cmake is supporting msvc6 dsp and the
> newer vcproj - projects and you really think there is no way to get it
> working with kdevelop4?

It is not important if I think that it CAN be done. I think it is important 
that it SHOULD be done BEFORE deciding on a build system. 

R.F. Pels,  3e Rompert 118,  5233 AL  's-Hertogenbosch,  The Netherlands
+31736414590        ruurd at

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