Feature idea/request for KDE4: checkpointing

Richard Moore richmoore44 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 13:21:22 BST 2006

On 7/28/06, Kasper Sandberg <redeeman at metanurb.dk> wrote:
> I stumbled across http://cryopid.berlios.de/ and tested it. It worked
> with nano, however not with kde applications. Though it left me thinking
> that this indeed is a cool concept, and that it could be used as a very
> neat feature on the desktop.

This tool doesn't seem to be maintained any more and has a large
number of restrictions on what an application can be doing. I am also
highly dubious about its ability to handle resources in the X server
like pixmaps etc. The application is also linux only which reduces
it's use to KDE further. It's a nice idea, but I think this sort of
facility is better built at an application level rather than into the
framework - think autosave and session management rather than process



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