Feature idea/request for KDE4: checkpointing

Kasper Sandberg redeeman at metanurb.dk
Fri Jul 28 21:45:27 BST 2006


I stumbled across http://cryopid.berlios.de/ and tested it. It worked
with nano, however not with kde applications. Though it left me thinking
that this indeed is a cool concept, and that it could be used as a very
neat feature on the desktop.

my idea is that this could be built into kde, for kde applications. Then
in the file menu, there would be the option "Create snapshot and quit",
above the normal "Quit" option (ofcourse apps where it makes absolutely
no sense would have the ability to turn it off, like kppp for example).

another thing that could be implemented if this technology reaches kde,
is the ability to "auto-snapshot" instead of auto-save.

and to access these snapshots, there could be several ways, i thought up
a few:

This example is for kolourpaint.
normally you access kolourpaint like this:
K-Menu -> Graphics -> Paint Program (kolourpaint)
this would stay this way, but if for example the app crashes and you
have an auto-snapshot, or if you make a snapshot yourself, it could be:
K-Menu -> Graphics -> Paint Program (kolourpaint) -> New Session
K-Menu -> Graphics -> Paint Program (kolourpaint) -> Autosaved snapshot
K-Menu -> Graphics -> Paint Program (kolourpaint) -> Manually saved <--
user could input a name him/herself for the session.

and if the user doesent start the app via the k-menu, and there are
sessions saved, it could open a box, like the one for when a media is
inserted, asking which action to take.

just a proposal, i really think this would be a feature people could

please cc me as i am not on the list.

Kasper Sandberg

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