kdelibs coding style

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Thu Jul 20 21:07:25 BST 2006

On Thursday 20 July 2006 21:23, Charles Samuels wrote:
> Aaron J. Seigo wrote, on Thursday 2006 July 20 12:20 pm:
> > please no adjustments. otherwise we'll discuss this till the cows come
> > home as people try and adjust this or that citing past changes as
> > precedent. =)
> I'm demanding that adjustment. And many others will agree with me. Sorry.

And many others will disagree with you. To avoid exactly this kind of 
discussions, I think it is a good idea to go with the original Qt style 
without adjustments. Please don't let this become one of these exhausting 
endless threads with no results

Somebody recently said that you can recognize a great programmer by his 
ability to adapt to different programming styles. I truly think KDE is the 
most exceptional group of great programmers in the open source world, so 
let's show some of this greatness by not falling into nit-picking about 
details of the style guide.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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