kde4 application disable to compile for the moment

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Sun Jul 16 22:07:35 BST 2006

On Monday 17 July 2006 01:29, Jaison Lee wrote:
> >                             krdc (dead ?)
> >                             krfb (dead ?)
> KRDC and KRFB have been floating around essentially unmaintained for
> more than a year and a half now. I've been trying like crazy to get
> someone to take over, but the search has not gone well. 
I don't think that removal of these is a good idea (especially not krdc, which 
really needs a replacement before we remove it - remote admin is a very 
important capability in some environments).

Jaision - you can't expect someone to do the work that you aren't willing to 
do. Are you willing to continue to keep an eye on these (answering bug 
reports, tweaking the manuals occasionally, etc) even if you can't code the 
fixes? If so, (and assuming that we can get it ported) then I'm sure that 
these apps could live on.

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