[RFC] Split tests and examples in KDE4

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Sun Jul 9 13:16:53 BST 2006


Currently we have a mixture of automatic tests (using QTestLib), and 
non-automated tests/examples in kdelibs. Mostly, they are in /tests 

Those are mostly [1] built when you use enable the KDE4_BUILD_TEST option to 

I'd like to propose that we split that code into /tests and /examples, with 
separate options to enable each:

$ svn diff cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake
Index: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake
--- cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake        (revision 560068)
+++ cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake        (working copy)
@@ -89,8 +89,9 @@
 # The following user adjustable options are provided:
-# KDE4_ENABLE_FINAL - enable KDE-style enable-final all-in-one-compilation
-# KDE4_BUILD_TESTS  - enable this to build the testcases
+# KDE4_ENABLE_FINAL    - enable KDE-style enable-final all-in-one-compilation
+# KDE4_BUILD_TESTS     - enable this to build the testcases
+# KDE4_BUILD_EXAMPLES  - enable this to build examples
 # It also adds the following macros (from KDE4Macros.cmake)
 # KDE4_ADD_UI_FILES (SRCS_VAR file1.ui ... fileN.ui)
@@ -235,6 +236,7 @@

 option(KDE4_ENABLE_FINAL "Enable final all-in-one compilation")
 option(KDE4_BUILD_TESTS  "Build the tests")
+option(KDE4_BUILD_EXAMPLES  "Build example applications")
 option(KDE4_IGNORE_DONTPORT "ignore the \"don't port\" message from kdelibs 
(not snapshot)" OFF)

 #now try to find some kde stuff

The examples would then be linked into the apidox.

Ideally we'd avoid test applications that aren't automated (i.e. it is either 
an automated test that passes/fails when you "make test", or it is an example 
for users of the class), but I can accept that there might be some cases that 
are very hard to script with QTestLib or Squish or KDExecutor (e.g. the 
visual result is qualitative).

Does this look reasonable?


[1] phonon doesn't do this - it always builds its tests. That wouldn't be hard 
to fix though.

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