Installing dbus .xml files

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at
Thu Jul 6 23:49:10 BST 2006

The KSpeech dbus interface is defined 
in /kdelibs/interfaces/kspeech/org.kde.KSpeech.xml

In order to use this file, apps must run dbusidl2cpp to generate 
kspeechinterface.{h/cpp} files.

Right now, I'm copying org.kde.KSpeech.xml into each application's source 
directory and generating via CMakeLists.txt command:

qdbus_add_interfaces(myapp_SRCS org.kde.KSpeech.xml )

(OK, I know that command has changed lately.)

Copying the .xml file to each application's source directory seems wrong.  
Either I should install the .xml file somewhere so that applications can 
generate from the installed copy, or I should install the 
kspeechinterface{.h/.cpp} files so applications can use them.  (Installing 
a .cpp file also seems wrong.)  Can someone guide me on how I should set this 
up please?

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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