Ralf Habacker
ralf.habacker at
Sun Jan 29 19:54:10 GMT 2006
Benjamin Meyer schrieb:
> I tried to build kdelibs with scons today, when linking kdecore I
> would get undefined references to DCOP functions. If I run the gcc
> command (acquired by setting NOCOLOR=0), with -Lbuild/dcop at the
> front right after g++ rather then at the end I can get it to link. I
> can't figure out how to fix this in the SConscript file. Anyone have
> hints that could help?
No problem here with scons and recent kdelibs sources on windows. The
Sconscript seems to be okay. The relating g++ line looks like:
g++ -o build\kdecore\kdebugdcopiface.o -c -O2 -DNDEBUG -DNO_DEBUG
-Iwin\include -Iwin\include\mingw -IC:\Mingw\include -DMAKE_KD
-DQT3_SUPPORT -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -IF:\KDE4\include -I. -Ibuild\kdecore
-Ikdecore -Ibuild -Ibuild\kdecore\network -Ikdecore\network
-Ikdecore\network -IF:\QT\4.1.0\include\Qt -IF:\QT\4.1.0\include
-IF:\QT\4.1.0\include\QtCore -IF:\QT\4.1.0\include\QtGui
-IF:\QT\4.1.0\include\Qt3Support -Ibuild -I. -Ibuild -Idcop -Ibuild\dcop
-Idcop -Ikio -Ibuild\kio -Ikio -Ikio\kio -Ibuild\kio\kio -Ikio\kio
-Ikio\kfile -Ibuild\kio\kfile -Ikio\kfile -Ikdeui -Ibuild\kdeui -Ikdeui
-Ikdecore -Ibuild\kdecore -Ikdecore -Ilibltdl -Ibuild\libltdl -Ilibltdl
-Ikdefx -Ibuild\kdefx -Ikdefx -Ibuild\kdecore\ -Ikdecore\include
-Ikdecore\win\include -Ibuild\kdecore\win\include\mingw
-Ikdecore\win\include\mingw -IC:\Mingw\include -Ibuild\kdecore
zlib.h -Ikdecore\bzlib.h kdecore\kdebugdcopiface.cpp
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