LSB and FSG Accessibility specs for review

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at
Thu Jan 26 10:06:22 GMT 2006


The LSB has just made the release candidate of the desktop module available - 
including Qt 4.1.

And FSG Accessibility is still looking for feedback on the keyboard 
specification draft. The deadline for comments is end of the month.

Please review the two draft specifications and let me know of problems so that 
I can forward them to the relevant working groups.



Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility co-maintainer, open standards 
accessibility networker, Protestant theology student and webmaster of and
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From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann at>
Subject: LSB Desktop Specification Release Candidate
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 00:04:43 -0800
Size: 6349
URL: <>
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From: earl johnson <earl.johnson at>
Subject: [Kde-accessibility] Gentle Reminder: Request for Review: FSG	Keyboard Access Specifications
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:38:49 -0800
Size: 8648
URL: <>

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