Fwd: Re: Turning off screensavers [xarafaxz at nxxx: KMplayer feature request]

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at kde.org
Thu Jan 12 15:04:15 GMT 2006

Le Jeudi 12 Janvier 2006 14:40, Lubos Lunak a écrit :
>  Hello,
>  what would be the right place for this in trunk (this =  a function that
> apps like movie players could use to turn screensaving on/off)? I'll
> probably add it to 3.5.1 too, there I can simply dump it to KApplication,
> but I don't know where to put it for KDE4. Note that this is not workspace
> stuff.

The application can use dcop dirrectly
i think the dcop call to 
kdesktop KScreensaverIface setEnabled true/false
will do what mplayer need.

I used similar things in Kopete to connect to the dcop signal in order to go 
away when screen is locked.

But this only work in KDE environment.

or maybe you don't like the fact that application need to call dcop. You want 
to do a class that do handle the call, and you ask where to put it ?
probably in kdelibs/interfaces.  it's the place where KIMProxy and 
KMediaPlayer interface are, and it's quite similar, isn't it ?

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